Bolster pillows are cylinder cushions which are sometimes called neck pillows or cushions. Bolster cushions provide both comfort and style for your home. They look inviting on beds, sofas, and chairs and can really spruce up otherwise drab furniture. They can also be used to provide cushioning for the arms when you have an armchair without padded armrests. They are great for this same purpose on daybeds and futons.
Best of all, bolster pillows are easy and economical to make with fabric and upholstery foam. In fact, once you see how simple making a bolster cushion is, you can try out other inexpensive foam upholstery projects that will allow you to put a unique touch on your home.
Stylish cushions can be made in any fabric you like. Cotton fabrics, like Amy Butler prints, are ideal for the following method of making cushions. Lightweight drapery and upholstery fabrics are also suitable for this method. Pillow ticking, which comes in several color combinations, makes affordable, stylish cushions, suitable for contemporary and traditional décors.
Bolster foam comes in different diameters. It is often sold in 54″ lengths and must be cut for cushions. One 54″ piece will make several pillows.
There are two ways to make bolster pillows. One way is somewhat difficult for beginning sewers to tackle because it involves cutting fabric circles the diameter of the pillow, covering cording, and installing a zipper. Another way is extraordinarily quick and easy and can be done by anyone, even if you have not sewn before. Using this method, you can make several pillows in a few hours.
- Bolster foam 6″ or 8″ diameter, cut to the desired length
- A yard of 45″ or 54″ fabric will make a 24″ long pillow
- Ribbon or decorative cord
- Thread, hand sewing needle
- Thimble (optional, but it makes life easier for the finger that pushes the needle)
- Sewing machine or serger (optional, the entire project can be made by hand)
Cut a rectangular piece of fabric that is about 6″ longer than your pillow length and wide enough to wrap around the bolster foam and overlap slightly.
Turn under ¼” on the edges of the rectangle and press. Turn under again and hem around the rectangle with a narrow hem. If you have a serger you can overlock the edges, rather than turning them under and hemming them.
Roll the finished rectangle around the bolster foam. Leave the same amount of fabric at each end. You can tack or slip stitch the overlapping edge if you like.
The ends can be finished in one of two ways. For a cheerful, casual look tie a ribbon around each end, making the pillow look something like a wrapped piece of candy. For a more formal look, roll the extra fabric under at each end. Tack and adorn with cord or ribbon if desired.
Congratulations! You have made a bolster pillow in nearly as little time as it would have taken to shop for one. Plus you have saved money and added your own creative touch to your home.
Author Bio: Elizabeth Quinn is a professional writer who blogs regularly for She has been sewing for nearly three decades and finds that there is always something new and exciting to learn about sewing.